Since the commercial release of Windows File Explorer in the late 1980’s, management of digital content has been a preeminent challenge. The attempt to create scalable, flexible content libraries within this rabbit hole paradigm has led to many generations of half-baked cleanup efforts - many of which have only grown more intense with the emergence of cloud storage and BIM.
While 3D modeling and other parametric workflows have solved some storage and integration challenges, the quantity of unique content types and locations have increased exponentially, leaving project teams scrambling to locate, adapt, and integrate their digital content. The need for a transparent, visual, ‘single point of truth for firm resources has reached its inflection point. Why can’t locating content in your own library be as visual as surfing the web?
This vision - that every piece of digital content in your firm’s library, regardless of File Type or Location, would be visual, searchable, and transferable into your projects - has culminated in the latest release of AVAIL Desktop. Gone are the days of jumping down file folder rabbit holes, only to arrive at an obscure File Name which requires another piece of software to open, verify, or utilize. With the AVAIL Preview Panel and AVAIL Content Browsers, finding and retrieving content has finally caught up with the speed and integration modern users are accustomed to.
A Single Point of Truth
Specialized browsers for Revit, AutoCad, 3DSMax, Rhino, and Sketchup extend AVAIL’s functionality into your most-used programs. For Revit users, our latest release of AVAIL Harvest 2.0 allows you to virtualize or export individual Views, Sheets, and System Families from your Revit Container Files - helping to reveal the full breadth of your Revit content. This revolution in container file processing constitutes a total transformation of your user’s Revit Experience.
(AVAIL Revit Browser and AVAIL Desktop Browser shown)
Today’s workplace is increasingly web-integrated, with more time spent accomplishing tasks on web platforms than ever before:
- File Worksharing (Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, Miro)
- Web Tutorials (YouTube, Lynda)
- Product / Spec Research (manufacturer websites)
- Browsing for Images / Inspiration (Pinterest, blogs, etc.)
- Code research (local / state / ADA)
- Use data / Analytics
Creating an environment where web activities can be indexed, tagged, and integrated allows for more content-focused and integrated workflows, and less digital distractions. AVAIL now serves as the pin-up board for all of your visual cues and data.
With automated tagging, automated indexing, and automated thumbnail creation all at your fingertips, a single point of truth where all of your files are as fresh and current as they are on your server is always available. Commenting, Tagging, and Flagging - along with AVAIL analytics - allow you to gather feedback and user data from your teams for maximum results. -->
The days of “where is that content?!” are over.
Click the links below to see how AVAIL is shifting the paradigm in Content Management: